Simon Greaves

North Hampshire Ambassador

Now retired, my working life was in construction where I progressed to become a senior project manager and bid manager. My passion to give something back to the community first surfaced while spearheading my then employer’s community engagement programme.

With a small team we organised volunteering programmes to help local charity groups as well as an annual educational project/contest between local schools. During this time I became a STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] Ambassador and guest lecturer at Solent University.

Four years ago I became a Parish councillor. While organising our celebration for the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day l met Susan Osborne and Alan Carr, the co-founders of War Horse Memorial, and got involved in the work of the Animal Purple Poppy Fund.

Little London is a village situated between the North Hampshire Downs and the gravel plains of the Kennet valley, seven miles north of Basingstoke and 15 miles south of Reading. Our Armistice anniversary memorial is a silhouette of the War Horse Memorial's logo, and was dedicated on August 23, 2018. It has become a focal point for the village and given its name to a locally brewed ale.

The horse has been named Arthur in honour of Arthur Pearse, a villager who lost his life at Mons 100 years earlier, on that date.