Small is uniquely bootiful for Patrick who can now step out in style to promote our cause on the hoof

War Horse Memorial mascot, Patrick, is one in a million to us. Now he has become the only pony in the world to have exclusive purple boots made for him by a Canadian hoof boot company.

Patrick, a miniature Shetland pony, lives with the Petrakis family in Torquay, Devon. Kirk Petrakis and wife, Hannah, are our South West Ambassadors. Kirk says: ”Cavallo are a hoof boot company based in Canada but they have branches all over the world and our local equine shops stock their products.

“We became friends with them on Facebook. They love Patrick and sponsor him hoof boots which are amazing. I saw the colour purple had just been released for horses only. I said that they would look wonderful on Patrick for his War Horse Memorial duties. They told me that they did not do Patrick’s tiny size. It was only big horses not ponies.

“The next day I had a lovely email saying that the owner would like to have some especially made for Patrick. As you can see he looks very splendid in his new boots and wearing his purple poppy cloak he’s a real bobby-dazzler.”


Hampshire walkers back on track to support our Animal Purple Poppy Fund


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